3 Plants to Dress Up Your Bathroom

garden store nashua

At Sunny Valley Farms, we think the key to making your bathroom feel like a spa is live plants. This month, we’re talking about a few plants that can thrive in the humidity of your bathroom. They’re also easy to care for! You can find some of these plants at your favorite garden store in Nashua, Sunny Valley Farms!


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A pothos plant is great for many reasons. For starters, it’s low maintenance, which means it can tolerate lower light levels, humidity, and irregular watering patterns. It grows quickly into a hanging vine. We think this is a great way to make your bathroom appear more earthy, as you can hang it from any place you’d like! 



You can reap a lot of benefits from an aloe plant if you keep one in your home, especially nearby in your bathroom. Aloe is known for being able to help heal minor burns and itching, and soothe irritated skin. You can also use it on your hair as a mask for extra moisture. It is important to note, however, while aloe is great for many things, so do your research before using this plant.


Air Plants

Air plants do best in a humid climate, making the bathroom a perfect home for these tiny plants. If you have a bathroom that welcomes direct sunlight, these are a great option because they love bright light! One way you can decorate with air plants is by getting a hanging glass globe to put them in. You can add things like sand, moss, rocks, and pebbles, along with any other decor you like!


Visit Your Favorite Garden Store in Nashua, Sunny Valley Farms!

At Sunny Valley, there’s a little something that everyone can enjoy. From plants, decor, unique foods, and snacks, the options are endless! It’s no wonder why people from all over love our garden store in Nashua. If we convinced you to incorporate any of these plants into your home, you can find them right at Sunny Valley! We’re open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 8 am to 7 pm. Until then, we look forward to seeing you soon!


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