6 Essential Spring Gardening Tasks to Kickstart Your Season

garden supplies

Spring is a season of renewal and growth, and for gardeners, it’s an exciting time to get back into the soil and start cultivating beauty and bounty. As the days lengthen and temperatures begin to rise, now is the time to gather your garden supplies and kickstart your gardening season with essential tasks that set the stage for success. In this guide, we’ll explore the 6 foundational tasks every gardener should tackle at the beginning of the spring season.

Soil Preparation 

Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden. Begin by testing your soil’s pH levels and nutrient content using a soil testing kit or by sending samples to a local agricultural extension service. Based on the results, amend your soil with organic matter such as compost, aged manure, or composted leaves to improve its structure and fertility.

Bed Cleanup 

Before planting new crops or flowers, clean up your garden beds of debris, weeds, or remnants of last season’s plants. Remove dead foliage, fallen leaves, and any weeds that have taken root over the winter months. This will not only make your garden look tidier but also reduce the risk of pests and diseases.


Applying a layer of mulch to your garden beds helps conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature, making it an essential task for spring gardening. Choose organic mulches such as shredded bark, straw, or compost, and spread them evenly around your plants, leaving a few inches of space around the stems to prevent rotting.


Once your soil is prepared, consider fertilizing your garden beds to provide an extra boost of nutrients for your plants. Choose a balanced organic fertilizer or a specialized formula based on the needs of your crops or flowers. Apply the fertilizer according to the package instructions, being careful not to over-apply, which can harm your plants.

Planning and Planting 

With your soil prepped and your beds cleaned, it’s time to plan out your garden layout and start planting. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, spacing requirements, and companion planting principles to decide where to place each crop. Start seeds indoors for plants that require a longer growing season, and direct sow seeds for those that can be planted outdoors once the soil has warmed up.


Proper watering is crucial for the health and vitality of your plants, especially during the warmer months of spring. Water newly planted seeds and transplants gently but thoroughly to ensure that the soil is evenly moistened. Monitor the moisture levels in your garden beds regularly and adjust your watering schedule as needed based on weather conditions and plant requirements.


Find Garden Supplies and More at Sunny Valley Farms

Whether you’re looking for garden supplies, flowers, and more to kickstart your spring gardening, rest assured that you can find everything you need right at Sunny Valley. To discover our inventory, we encourage you to check out our website or stop in today!

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